
Come effettuare prenotazioni per il Carciofo di Montelupone:

Contacting sellers and making product reservations is very easy thanks to this communication channel. Just send an email to, un operatore si metterà in contatto con voi appena possibile.

Prenotazioni - Consegna a domicilio

The delivery of the goods will be made at home and guaranteed in the 48 ore following the order.

N.B. If the distance exceeds 50 km, please refer to direct agreements with the manufacturer. Consult the map to check the mileage on Google Maps

The reservation will be considered valid only after reaching an agreement by email with the seller.

If you have any doubts or information to request, visit our page Frequently asked questions, dove l’autore ha raccolto le sue risposte alle domande fatte in precedenza da altri utenti, oppure utilizzate l’apposita form “Contattaci!” nel menù di destra.

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