Frequently Asked Questions

Collection of author's answers to the most frequently asked questions (faq) in order to avoid doubts and misunderstandings.

How can I book the purchase of the organic Montelupone artichoke?

Reservations can be made at the address info@carciofodimontelupone.it or on the Facebook page "The organic Montelupone artichoke" with private message. The site operator will forward the request to local producers who have the artichoke at that time.

What are the selling prices?

Effettuando l’acquisto diretto presso i produttori senza alcuna intermediazione, i prezzi di vendita sono molto più convenienti rispetto ai negozi. Ad influenzare il prezzo di vendita sono: le condizioni atmosferiche, il periodo di acquisto e la tipologia del prodotto. Il Carciofo di Montelupone fresco è catalogato secondo le seguenti categorie:

  • Mammola or Cimarolo (about 180 grams);
  • 1st category (about gr. 90);
  • 2nd category (about gr. 60);
  • artichokes in oil (about gr. 30).

In linea di massima il prezzo varia da 1,30 a 0,30 €/pz. Il prezzo specifico viene definito al momento dell’ordine.

Should a minimum quantity be ordered?

For direct purchases in company offices, minimum quantities are not indicated. For home delivery, if away from the production site, a minimum quantity of 100 pieces must be guaranteed.

Con quanto tempo di anticipo bisogna prenotare l’acquisto?

The availability of the product depends on the weather conditions and the reservations received. Since production is limited to small areas that normally do not satisfy all requests, it is advisable to indicate the quantity requested in advance.

Do I have to pay an additional fee for home delivery?

Home delivery is free if the destination is within 50 km of the municipality of Montelupone and the quantity ordered is adequate to contribute to the transport costs. Otherwise a contribution will be requested proportional to the quantity of product.

What types of artichoke can I buy?

The associated producers, in their artichokes, essentially cultivate ecotypes A and B (view description of ecotypes) of the organic Montelupone Artichoke, with traditional methods, without the use of chemical additives and growth hormones.

In addition to fresh artichoke, can you buy other products based on organic Montelupone artichoke?

Yes, in addition to the fresh organic Montelupone artichoke, sold in the spring, you can buy the following products all derived from the same organic plant:

  1. artichokes in extra virgin olive oil;
  2. artichoke cream spreadable;
  3. artichoke leaves for herbal teas, decoctions, liqueurs;
  4. artichoke stalks for food use;
  5. seedlings (thistles) of Artichoke of Montelupone for cultivation;
  6. artichoke seeds for seedlings production.
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